19 Ocak 2020 Pazar

Kindness Award Certificate for our students.

                                                 (F. Merve Yıldırım's students)
                                                               (Tuğba Aksoyak's students)

Mini Exhibitions at Schools

The exhibitions in Poland and Turkey 
F. Merve Yıldırım
Tuğba Aksoyak
Agniszka Trezeciak




Our Kindness Acts

The partner countries decided on the kindness acts and did them. They prepared bird feeders, visited old people, helped the people in need, fed street animals,did house chores,wrote letters for sick children and wrote kindness cards for family members,teachers,friends etc. Here are some photos:
                                                          Turkish Team (Tuğba A.)



                                                   Polish Team (Agnieszcka Trzeciak)


Turkish Team  (F. Merve Yıldırım)

by:Merve Yıldırım's students
Kindness cards


Turkish  Team (Özbey Arda B.)



Online Meetings

Teachers and students introduced themselves.

Kindness Poems


We prepared bookmarks for our Polish and Italian partners. (F.Merve Teacher's team)
Our bookmarks from Italy (Merve Teacher's team)

Our bookmarks from Poland (Merve Teacher's team)
Bookmarks for Italy (Polish team)

Bookmarks for Turkish team (by: Polish team)

Bookmarks from Italy to Poland.

Bookmarks from Turkey to Poland.
                        We are preparing bookmarks for Italian team (Tuğba Teacher's Team)
We received our bookmarks from Italy.(Tuğba Teacher's Team)

We are preparing bookmarks for Serbian team.(Özbey B.)
We received our bookmark from Serbia. (Özbey B.)

Kindness Posters

                                    by: Turkish team (Merve Yıldırım)
by: Polish team 
by:Turkish Team (Özbey B.)
by: Turkish Team (Tuğba A.)

9 Ocak 2020 Perşembe

Project Boards

Our project board is prepared by Merve and Tuğba Teachers' teams.It is our collaborative work.

Project board of Polish team.

e-twinning label/logo/motto

Our logo and motto were choosen by our students.

Our Project logo

Our motto: Together we can be better

About the Project

This project is designed to spread kindness, inspiration, gratitude and positive messages throughout the schools. It cannot be better time to teach kindness and empathy than the present, so be kind and change the world today! It is the best way to become adults who act for a peaceful community.

Project Poster and Plan

*Introducing board (Padlet,Linuit etc.)
*Introducing the country
*Making school teams
*Introducing the city/town and school.
*Forum discussions.
*Survey for the best slogan/motto and logo for the Project.
* Preparing quote posters about kindness.
*Making international teams.
* International teams will prepare bookmarks of kindness for each other and send them by the postal services.
*International teams must decide on the act of kindness that they will do. (They must do 2-3 acts of kindness at least)
* International teams must share the photos of their acts on the twinspace.
* International teams will write an acrostic poem of kindness.
January& February
·          Evaluation of the Project.
·          A blog (Showing the duration of the Project)
·          Our kindness journal
·          Kindness award certificates for the students.
·          Mini exhibitions of our works at schools.